
I am a former soldier, journalist, and speechwriter and the author of many books and articles on politics and religion, including, most recently, my doctoral dissertation, Origen’s Revenge: The Greek and Hebrew Roots of Christian Thinking on Male and Female, published by Pickwick Publications, an imprint of Wipf and Stock. I have also recently published my master’s thesis, a scholarly analysis of the disappearance of deaconesses from the early Church entitled The Disappearing Deaconess. Other books include a work of descriptive political theory that has been used to teach politics at Yale and elsewhere (Eight Ways to the Run the Country) and an epic historical romance (A Crown of Life: A Novel of the Great Persecution).

I am also a former Washington bureau chief of Investor’s Business Daily, a member and former board member of the Academy of Philosophy and Letters, and a protodeacon of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia. I hold a PhD in theology from the University of Winchester; an MTh in Orthodox studies, also from Winchester; and a BA in English literature from the University of Cincinnati.

My professional experience is quite diverse: military and civilian, public sector and private sector, civil servant and political appointee. I have reported the news and been reported on in the news. I have worked for a major energy company, an investment newspaper, a presidential campaign, an intelligence agency, and two major healthcare organizations. I have written eight books and contributed chapters to four others on banking, foreign policy, political history, and military personnel policy.

Over the years, I have appeared on scores of television and radio shows in the U.S. and Canada, including ABC’s “Nightline,” CBS’s “Face the Nation,” NBC’s “Today,” and CNN’s “Larry King Live.” I have been a guest speaker at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, the University of Connecticut, the University of Pennsylvania, Catholic University of America, George Mason University, Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary, and Rose Hill College.

My dear wife of nearly 41 years fell asleep in the Lord in October 2024 after a long and hard battle against cancer. We have three grown children who are all now married and with children of their own (seven at present count, with two more on the way). I am pleased to say they, their spouses, and their children are all faithful Orthodox Christians.

This is my personal blog. As you can see, I only post once in a while, so if you subscribe, you won’t be bombarded with notices of new posts. Thank you for visiting. If you see anything you like, please share it with friends.

Caveat lector:

The views expressed here by me are mine and not necessarily the views of any organization with which I am affiliated. The information I provide is on an as-is basis. Readers are advised to read carefully and critically, always keeping in mind the source of what they read.

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