Last week, Dr. Robert Redfield, Director of the Centers for Disease Control, held up the thinnest, flimsiest, cheapest face mask on the market and told a Senate panel that these masks “are the most important, powerful public health tool we have.” Redfield claimed … Continue Reading →
Covidious Albion in Four Simple Graphs
Sometimes, proving that mass hysteria is driving government policy, expert opinion, and media coverage of covid is as easy as one-two-three-four. Just look at the graphs below of data from the United Kingdom.
If you haven’t heard, Her Majesty’s Government is … Continue Reading →
How many “cases” are unacceptable?
Remind me not to start a series of posts on a hot topic and then take a two-week vacation. The vacation was sorely needed and much enjoyed, but so much happened during it that I couldn’t keep up.
Things are still … Continue Reading →
Confusing Cases with Infections at NIH
This post begins a series on covid, which has been the main focus of my reading in retirement. Many things I’ll say in this series I’ve said before on Facebook or in emails to friends. Here, I’ll spend more time … Continue Reading →
The “Mark of the Beast” in Orthodox Tradition
The following was written recently for Parish Life, the monthly newsletter of the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist Russian Orthodox Church in Washington, D.C. A parishioner posed the question; I was asked to provide an answer.
QUESTION: How should we … Continue Reading →
New Edition, More Timely Than Ever
I am pleased to announce a new edition of A Crown of Life, now available at the new low price of $19.95 for paperback and $4.99 for ebook. The book was written decades ago but is now more relevant than ever. … Continue Reading →
The Church once had deaconesses. So what?
For many people, the fact that the Orthodox Church once had deaconesses, somewhere at sometime, is enough to justify having them again. After all, they say, we Orthodox believe in tradition, and deaconesses are part of the tradition.
Are they really … Continue Reading →
Orthodox Deaconesses?
Remarks by Protodeacon Brian Patrick Mitchell
At the St. Phoebe Center Conference on “Renewing the Male and Female Diaconate”
Irvine, California
October 7, 2017
Thanks, Helen [Theodoropoulos], for the introduction, and thanks also to AnnMarie Mecera and everyone else at the St. Phoebe Center … Continue Reading →
10 Things You Need to Know about Syria
It surprises me that many of my usually reasonable friends are so eager to bomb Syria over the recent gas attack and are perplexed by the unwillingness of others to “hold Syria accountable.” I have to remind myself that few … Continue Reading →
Byzantine Empire — or Republic?
The textbooks say the Byzantine Empire was a theocratic autocracy uniting church and state under an all-powerful emperor believed by the Byzantines to be God’s viceroy and vicar.
Nonsense, says Anthony Kaldellis, professor of classics at Ohio State University.
The … Continue Reading →